Irish Golf Desk

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McDowell gives 100K to charity

By Brian Keogh

Graeme McDowell has donated $100,000 to help his Mum and the battle against Multiple Sclerosis.

The Ulsterman's mother Marian was diagnosed with the disease more than two years ago and McDowell has decided to be pro-active with financial help.

He said: "With the help of new drugs and weekly injections she is still enjoying a high quality of life and hopefully will continue to do so."

McDowell won $100,000 - to be donated to the charity of his choice- during the annual Tavistock Cup match between the exclusive Orlando golf enclaves of Lake Nona and Isleworth in March.

The Portrush ace, 27, was a member of the Ernie Els led Lake Nona side that beat a Tiger Woods inspired Isleworth 22-6.

After opting to help an MS charity in his native Ulster, he said: "The battle against the illness continues so I was delighted to donate my money to an MS charity in Northern Ireland that is truly committed to the cause.

"Playing in the Tavistock Cup was a great team golf experience, gave me the chance to donate cash to a charity close to my heart.

"It’s always very satisfying to have the opportunity to help needy causes and especially those in which I have a close, personal interest.

"I had no hesitation in deciding where my allocation would go."

Tiger Woods shot and eight under par 64 on the final day of the event to land the $500,000 top prize for the low round.

The winning team split and additional $1 million with each member team directing $100,000 to the charities of their choice.

And McDowell was delighted to play team golf again as he battles to make next year's Ryder Cup team at Valhalla in Kentucky.

He said: "Team golf suits me to a tee, it brings out the best in my game and I have already enjoyed being part of the Seve Trophy and Royal Trophy sides.

"This was another chance to expand my experience of playing against many of the world’s best, especially since there was a certain Tiger Woods representing Isleworth.

"It’s no secret that I have one eye on next year’s Ryder Cup and with a bit of luck I will hopefully be able to live out that dream."

McDowell missed his second cut on the trot in the Celtic Manor Wales Open last week and is now ranked 125th in the world.

And while he's 44th on the European Tour's Order of Merit, he wants to go one better than his second place finish in the Volvo China Open in April and scorch back up the rankings.

He said: "Runner-up was the best I had done since winning in Italy and it was great to be in contention again.

"My aim is to get back up the world rankings but don’t think that I am putting too much pressure on myself because that’s what I thrive on.

"I know where I want to be and I feel I have the ability to get there and get there soon."