Irish Golf Desk

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Lehman hails Tigeresque Harrington

Tom Lehman believes that Padraig Harrington's incredible work ethic puts him in the same league at Tiger Woods.

The 1996 Open champion and former world No1 is a huge admirer of Harrington's rock-like determination not to settle for second best.

Lehman said: "There are guys around here who are working hard but they are not working hard to win The Open Championship twice in a row. But with Padraig, it seems he’s not going to be satisfied when he gets to the top.

"And that’s the way Tiger seems. And that’s the way Vijay has worked. And that’s the way Phil has worked and a number of guys that you have seen over the years. They have that extra fire that’s not going to be satisfied with any less than the best."

Lehman finished second in the 1996 US Open at Oakland Hills before going on to win the Open at Lytham.

And he knows that patience will be the key to dealing with the bad bounces and sloping greens at the Detroit lay-out.

He said: "Golf is more about recovering from the mental disappointments throughout each round than it is about anything else. Majors are more a war of attrition.

"Look at Padraig at Royal Birkdale. You hang in there, hang in there, hang in there and then, wham, something great happens at the right time. Padraig's finish at Birkdale was pretty great. I was impressed. I like watching guys win.

"I think that’s completely what it’s all about. It’s who can hang in there the best. You watch Tiger Woods play and that’s what he does. He hangs in there even when things aren’t going well and he makes his pars. Then when he gets his chances he takes advantage of them."