Spanish golfer Gonzalo Fernandez Castaño has no intention of back-tracking over his remarks about Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero during last month's Vivendi Trophy in Paris.

Gonzalo Fernandez CastañoBut in reiterating his remarks, he cracked a joke at the expense of womanising Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi when he was asked to choose some politicians for a friendly fourball. 

Answering questions from readers of Spanish sports daily, Gonzo said: "Nelson Mandela, Jose María Aznar and Berlusconi because he's sure to bring along nice caddies (only joking, I don't want to get myself into another pickle)."

The Madrid native caused a sensation in Spain when he made it clear, live on TV, that he is not a fan of socialist leader Zapatero.

Turning to a TV camera during his fourball victory with partner Miguel Angel Jimenez over England's Ross Fisher and Nick Dougherty, he said: "Message to Zapatero. You're going to strip us all naked." ( Un mensaje para Zapatero: nos vas a dejar en pelotas a todos.)

Asked about his remarks during his internet chat, Fernandez Castaño said he only regretted his choice of platform but stood over what he said.

Q: Hi Gonzalo, you certainly created quite a stir alongside Jiménez with your comments referring to Zapatero. My question is: Do you stand over what you said? Many thanks, there are many who think the same way as you do.

A: I made a mistake in choosing the time and place, but I don't regret what I said.

The YouTube video of his remarks has now been viewed more than 122,000 times.