Irish Golf Desk

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Darren Clarke to return to Ulster

Darren Clarke is set to leave London for good and set up home in his native Northern Ireland.

The Belfast Telegraph reports that the Ryder Cup star will be moving back home this summer, “fuelling speculation he will settle down with his new love, ex-beauty queen Alison Campbell.”

“I can’t wait to get back home again, I really can’t, I’ve missed it,” he told BBC Radio Ulster presenter Alan Simpson. “London has served its purpose. It was great to be there, easier to commute around the world.

“But at the same time, when I come back home, I enjoy it so much more.”

Clarke said his sons Tyrone (11) and Conor (8) have bonded with Ms Campbell.

“I want my kids to grow up here. When I left things weren’t as good as they are now. I’m proud to be from Northern Ireland and I want my kids to feel the same sort way.”

He joked: “They are terribly posh, they’ve got terribly posh English accents and hopefully we will get rid of those pretty soon!”