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McGinley Foundation added to Ryder Cup charity drive

From left to right: Richard Hills, European Ryder Cup Director; Paul Moore, Chief Executive – Quarriers; Kathleen Smith, Vice Chairperson - Perth & Kinross Disability Sport; Paul McGinley, European Ryder Cup Captain; Dr James Grant, Chairman - Friends Of St Margaret’s Hospital; Dan Moore, Trustee – The McGinley Foundation. © Getty ImagesThe McGinley Foundation, a registered charity launched today by European Ryder Cup Captain Paul McGinley, has been announced as the fourth and final Official Charity of The 2014 Ryder Cup, writes the European Tour.

The Foundation joins the three Scottish charities announced earlier this year – Friends of St Margaret’s Hospital in Auchterarder, Perth and Kinross Disability Sport, and Scotland’s family charity Quarriers – all of whose fundraising opportunities will benefit from the direct association with one of the world’s most watched sporting occasions.

Speaking at The Gleneagles Hotel, where he will lead Europe’s defence of The Ryder Cup against the United States next September, McGinley said: “I am delighted to officially launch The McGinley Foundation today and there is no more fitting place to be able to do so than here at Gleneagles.

“We are very fortunate, as professional golfers, to enjoy wonderful lives and, therefore, it is vitally important to have the opportunity to give something back to people, in a wide range of circumstances, less fortunate than ourselves.

“The McGinley Foundation allows me to do that through my status as Ryder Cup Captain and I would like to thank Ryder Cup Director Richard Hills and all his staff at Ryder Cup Europe for giving me this opportunity. It is a tremendous honour and a fantastic way to start my Foundation’s charitable work.”

The Irishman also announced four specific charitable causes close to his heart, both on a personal and professional level, which will benefit from the exclusive support of The McGinley Foundation during its term as an Official Charity. These are Amber, CLIC Sargent, The Society of St Vincent de Paul and the Tour Players Foundation.

“These four causes are very important to me for a number of reasons and I am delighted to be able to support them and the vital work they do,” said McGinley.

“I have been aware of the work that Amber does for around 15 years now, and having seen the amazing difference they make to the lives of disadvantaged young people via their residential homes, I wanted to help them in any way I could.

“The same goes for CLIC Sargent who my wife, Ally, and I think it is such a great charity. Indeed Ally is on their Fund Raising Board and we have personal experience of friends who have benefitted the charity and its work. When you see the support they give to children, and the families of those children suffering from cancer, is truly uplifting.

“The Society of St Vincent de Paul, an Irish social injustice charity, is also very well known to me and my family back home in Ireland. They have a group of extremely dedicated volunteers and I look forward to working with them, helping in any way I can to drive this particular charity’s work across the country.

“Finally, as most people are aware, the Tour Players Foundation is the charitable arm of The European Tour that represents its Members via charitable giving. They do a superb job right across the year – a lot of it unrecognised – so I felt it was important for me to acknowledge the good work it does on behalf of the players, 12 of whom, of course, will make up my team right here in a little over a year’s time.”

European Ryder Cup Director Richard Hills said: “Everyone at Ryder Cup Europe is delighted that the McGinley Foundation has completed the set of Official Charities for The 2014 Ryder Cup. We have a strong tradition of working with the host nation and captain and this announcement continues the proud charitable legacy that The Ryder Cup presents.

“Indeed, next month on Sky Sports we will be airing a specially commissioned documentary entitled ‘The Ryder Cup – Beyond The Ropes’ which outlines the comprehensive programme of good work initiated by our charitable endeavours over the years – and it is something that the current captain and team, as well as the captains and teams to come, will continue.”


The McGinley Foundation

The McGinley Foundation aims to support charities and not-for-profit organisations that Paul, and his family have a close association and are familiar with. Particular emphasis will be put on those who assist and support children and young adults.

Supported charities:


Provides temporary residential homes for unemployed young people, marginalised as a result of being homeless, a history of drug and alcohol abuse or crime, giving them the time, space and support to sort through their problems and gain the social, emotional, educational and practical tools required to find direction in life. For more information visit -

CLIC Sargent

UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families which provides support from the point of diagnosis onwards with the aim of helping the whole family deal with the impact of cancer and its treatment.  For more information visit -

Society of St Vincent de Paul

Largest voluntary charitable organisation in Ireland with 10,500 volunteers, supported by professional staff, giving practical support to those experiencing poverty and social exclusion and who work for social justice.  For more information visit -

Tour Players Foundation

Charitable arm of The European Tour that fundraises for, and makes donations and grants to voluntary bodies and charities, particularly those assisting children and young people in the regions where European Tour events are held.  For more information visit -

Other Ryder Cup charities:

Friends of St Margaret’s Hospital

St Margaret’s Hospital in Auchterarder has served the population of Strathearn since the 1920s thanks to the generosity of Sir James Reid, a Glasgow locomotive builder who lived locally. Initially it was a small General Hospital providing both Medical and Surgical services. Today it is an innovative Community Hospital, one of approximately 60 such small hospitals in Scotland.

For more information visit –

Perth & Kinross Disability Sport

Perth & Kinross Disability Sport became a registered Scottish Charity in 2002, their aim being to promote sport and physical activity for people with physical, learning or sensory disabilities at a local level. Their vision is to lead the development of sport in Perth & Kinross for people of all ages and abilities with a physical, sensory and learning disability with the specific aims being to:
Co-ordinate, develop and promote sports and physical activity amongst people with a disability in the Perth & Kinross area.

For more information visit


Quarriers is Scotland’s family charity, providing more than 100 services across the country. Quarriers provides much-needed care and support for thousands of vulnerable children, young people, adults and families who face extremely challenging circumstances such as poverty, homelessness, learning and physical disabilities and epilepsy.

For more information visit or go to Twitter @quarriers or Facebook