Irish Golf Desk

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Senior Homes set for tight finish

Adrian Morrow. Scotland beat Ireland on the second day of the Seniors Home Internationals at Royal Co Down to leave the contest hanging in the balance going into the final day.

Defending champions England gave themselves a fighting chance of retaining the President’s Trophy after defeating Wales by 6.5-2.5, but it is all to play for on the final day with the possibility of the title being decided on the number of games won.

Ireland and Scotland had shared the morning foursomes, but the Scots gained a crucial slice of momentum when Ian Brotherston defeated the home side’s talisman, Garth McGimpsey, on the 17th.

Arthur Pierse was also beaten by Lindsay Blair, while Maurice Kelly beat Alan O’Neill - both matches finishing on a 4/3 scoreline.

The advantage swing one way and another in the final three matches, with the decisive blow being delivered by Scotland captain John Fraser, who defeated Tom Cleary on the 18th green.

Meanwhile, England and Wales battled in an entertaining contest in which the English side got the better of a number of tight games to take victory by a margin of four points.

Richard Latham’s victory over Glyn Rees on the 18th in the singles - after England had taken a one-point advantage from the foursomes - laid the foundation for victory, with further points being delivered by Richard Partridge, John Ambridge and Tyrone Carter.

Seniors Home Internationals, Royal Co Down Golf Club

Wednesday 25 September

England 6.5 Wales 2.5 (England names first)


Richard Latham & Andrew Stracey beat Nigel Evans & Glyn Rees  3/2

John Ambridge & Richard Partridge lost to Paul Bloomfield & Andrew Williams 2/1

Tyrone Carter & Chris Reynolds beat Jeff Thomas & Keith Stimpson 3/2


Richard Latham beat Glyn Rees 2 holes

Richard Partridge beat Jeff Thomas 3/2

Andrew Stracey lost to Nigel Evans 3/2

John Ambridge beat Andrew Williams 3/1

Tyrone Carter beat Keith Stimpson 7/6

Charles Banks halved with Basil Griffiths A/S

Ireland 3.5 Scotland 5.5 (Ireland names first)


Arthur Pierse & John Mitchell lost to Ian Brotherston & Lindsay Blair 1 hole

Tom Cleary & Michael Quirke halved with John Fraser & Alan O’Neill A/S

Adrian Morrow & Maurice Kelly beat Tony Paterson & Lindsay Gordon 3/2


Garth McGimpsey lost to Ian Brotherston 2/1

Arthur Pierse lost to Lindsay Blair 4/3

Maurice Kelly beat Alan O’Neill 4/3

Tom Cleary  lost to John Fraser 2 holes

John Mitchell halved with David Gardner A/S

Adrian Morrow halved with Tony Patterson A/S

Draw for Thursday 24 September

England v Ireland (England names first)

Foursomes (0800 from the first)

Richard Latham & Andrew Stracey v Adrian Morrow & Maurice Kelly

John Ambridge & Charles Banks v Arthur Pierse & John Mitchell

Tyrone Carter & Chris Reynolds v Tom Cleary & Michael Quirke

Singles (1300 from the first)

Richard Latham v Maurice Kelly

John Ambridge v Arthur Pierse

Richard Partridge v Garth McGimpsey

Andrew Stracey v Adrian Morrow

Tyrone Carter v Michael Quirke

Chris Reynolds v John Mitchell

Scotland v Wales (Scotland names first)

Foursomes (0800 from the 10th)

Tony Patterson & Lindsay Gordon v Jeff Thomas & Basil Griffiths

Ian Brotherston & David Gardner v Nigel Evans & Glyn Rees

Alan O’Neill & John Fraser v Paul Bloomfield & Andrew Williams

Singles (1300 from the 10th)

Lindsay Blair v Jeff Thomas

Ian Brotherston v Paul Bloomfield

John Fraser v Nigel Evans

Alan O’Neill v Andrew Williams

David Gardner v Glyn Rees

Tony Patterson v Basil Griffiths