Seapoint’s Irish Scratch Series for men and women; professionals and elite amateurs to compete

Seapoint Golf Links
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many elite amateurs and touring professionals twiddling their thumbs since March. But two enterprising members of Seapoint Golf Links have used their event planning expertise to create an elite tournament series for both men and women — the weekly Irish Scratch Series.
Thanks to sponsorship from Carr Golf, the first €1,000 event will take place at Seapoint on Monday, 29 June and it has come about thanks to Valerie and Gary Keating, who run event management company GK Events.
"To be honest, we decided to do it because we have been looking at our son Dylan and his friends and professionals who play a lot here, such as Stuart Grehan, who have had nothing to play in," said Valerie, whose son Dylan is a member of the GUI's National Under 18 Panel.
“So wondered if we could do something to get them playing again and we also saw there was a little gap in the market for a competition for men and women competing for the same prize. So we wanted to create a bigger prize fund to make it more attractive for elite amateurs and professionals and came up with the Irish Scratch Series.
"It was really in response to Dylan and Stuart and their friends; creating something that we might be able to keep going for later in the year."

The total prize fund for each event will be a minimum of €1,000 with a first gross prize of €500.
The maximum GUI handicap allowed is six for men and nine for women and players must book online via the BRS system.
All players will be provided on the day with details of the Covid-19 guidelines for competitions which have been outlined by the GUI and ILGU.
The event will run weekly and will feature some of the top amateurs and professionals in the country - male and female.
There will also be an extra Order of Merit prize for the person with the top-five gross scores during the series.
While Carr Golf, who now run Seapoint, are sponsoring the first event, GKEvents are keen to attract more sponsorship.
Please call Valerie Keating, GK Events on 087 2464406 or email to help sponsor the event.
Irish Scratch Series for Men and Women
Open to professionals and amateurs
Maximum GUI handicap allowed is 6 for men and 9 for women and players must book online via the BRS system.
Entry fee: €50 for amateurs; €40 for professionals. Must be paid by card only on check-in at the pro's shop.
Gross Prizes (Professionals will only be eligible to win the gross prizes)
Nett Prizes
Availability is limited with timesheet going live on Monday at 3pm.
For all Seapoint Golf Links enquiries contact the pro's shop on 041 9881066 and email:
For all other enquiries please call Gary Keating, GK Events on 087 2287541 or email
For sponsorship enquires, please call Valerie Keating, GK Events on 087 2464406 or email