supported by The McGinley Foundation

South of Ireland 1994

93rd South of Ireland Championship, Lahinch Golf Club

July 23-27

Sponsored by Bank of Ireland


David Higgins (Waterville) bt Pádraig Harrington (Stackstown) 1 hole


Pádraig Harrington (Stackstown) bt Ken Kearney (Co Sligo) 1 hole

David Higgins (Waterville) bt Brian Omelia (Newlands) 5/4


Ken Kearney (Co Sligo) bt Donard McSweeney (Galway) 2/1

Pádraig Harrington (Stackstown) bt John Morris (Douglas) 5/4

David Higgins (Waterville) bt D Baker (Downpatrick) 2 holes

Brian Omelia (Newlands) bt Peter Sheehan (Castletroy) 4/3

Fifth round

D McSweeney (Galway) bt N Fox (Portmarnock) 1 hole

K Kearney (Co Sligo) bt P Murray (Tipperary) at 21st

P Harrington (Stackstown) bt G Spring (Tralee) 5/4

J Morris (Douglas) bt K Bornemann (Douglas) 3/1

D Baker (Downpatrick) bt P Murphy (Killarney) 2/1

D Higgins (Waterville) bt E McMenamin (Ballybofey) at 20th

B Omelia (Newlands) bt G McGimpsey (Bangor) 5/4

P Sheehan (Castletroy) bt K Nolan (Bray) 4/2

Fourth round

D McSweeney (Galway) bt P Lyons (Cork) 4/3

N Fox (Portmarnock) bt M Holohan (Waterford) 1 hole

P Murray (Tipperary) bt J Hutchinson (Royal Dublin) at 19th

K Kearney (Co Sligo bt D Conway (Portmarnock 1 hole

P Harrington (Stackstown) bt T Corridan (Castletroy) 3/2

G Spring (Tralee) bt C McElderry (Royal Portrush) 3/2

K Bornemann (Douglas) bt R Hennessy (Ennis) 2/1

J Morris (Douglas) bt G Cullen (Beaverstown) 3/1

P Murphy (Killarney) bt P Lawrie (Newlands) at 19th

D Baker (Downpatrick) bt A Meskell (Tipperary) 2/1

E McMenamin (Ballybofey) bt E Brady (Royal Dublin) 1 hole

D Higgins (Waterville) bt J Kavanagh (Castletroy) 2/1

G McGimpsey (Bangor) bt B Healy (Ardee) 3/2

B Omelia (Newlands) bt A Pierse (Tipperary) at 19th

P Sheehan (Castletroy) bt J Brady (Edenderry) 1 hole

K Nolan (Bray) bt S Moloney (Castletroy) 2/1

Third round

First quarter

P Lyons (Cork) bt D Gallagher (Limerick) at 19th

D McSweeney (Galway) bt R Coughlan (Birr) 2/1

M Holohan (Waterford) bt J Murphy (Mallow) 2/1

N Fox (Portmarnock) bt A McCormack (Scrabo) 3/1

J Hutchinson (Royal Dublin) bt S Carter (Mountrath) 5/4

P Murray (Tipperary) bt G Murphy (Monkstown) 1 hole

D Conway (Portmarnock) bt M O'Kelly (Limerick) 5/4

K Kearney (Co Sligo) bt D Finn (Mallow) 1 hole.

Second quarter

T Corridan (Castletroy) bt J Hoey (Ennis) 4/3

P Harrington (Stackstown) bt J Twohig (Cork) 6/5

C McElderry (Royal Portrush) bt T Nolan (Galway) 1 hole

G Spring (Tralee) bt D Maguire (Douglas) 4/2

K Bornemann (Douglas) bt J Curran (Mount Juliet) 2/1

R Hennessy (Ennis) bt J Grant (The Island) at 20th

G Cullen (Beaverstown) bt G O'Sullivan (Tralee) 1 hole

J Morris (Douglas) bt P Byrne (Nenagh) 3/2

Third quarter

P Lawrie (Newlands) bt E Coughlan (Douglas) 2/1

P Murphy (Killarney) bt E Power (Tramore) at 19th

A Meskell (Tipperary) bt A Crawford (Hallamshire) 4/3

D Baker (Downpatrick) bt M Power (Moate) at 22nd

E McMenamin (Ballybofey) bt M Riseley (UCD) 3/2

E Brady (Royal Dublin) bt R Daniels (Romley) 3/2

J Kavanagh (Castletroy) bt D Coyle (Dundalk) 1 hole

D Higgins (Waterville) bt F O'Mahoney (Limerick) 4/3

Fourth quarter

B Healy (Ardee) bt S Quinlivan (Ballybumon) 1 hole

G McGimpsey (Bangor) bt B Martin (Ardglass) 2/1

A Pierse (Tipperary) bt D McDonald (Kilkenny) 3/2

B Omelia (Newlands) bt G O'Donovan (Royal Dublin) 1 hole

J Brady (Edenderry) bt N O'Carroll (Athlone) 3/2

P Sheehan (Castletroy) bt P O'Rourke (Kilkenny) 1 hole

S Moloney (Castletroy) bt E O'Sullivan (The Island) 6/5

K Nolan (Bray) bt B Reddan (Co Louth) 6/5

Second round

First Quarter

D Gallagher (Limerick) bt D Hunt (Nenagh) 2/1

P Lyons (Cork) bt B O'Brien (Moate) 5/4

C McSweeney (Galway) bt JP Fitzgerald (Co Louth) 1 hole 

R Coughlan (Birr) bt D Dunne (Co.Sligo) 1 hole

M Holohan (Waterford) bt K Carey (Charleville) 1 hole

J Murphy (Mallow) w/o A Morrow (Portmarnock) scr

N Fox (Portmarnock) bt N Pyne (Ennis) 2/1

A McCormick (Scrabo) bt A Moran (Claremorris) 3/2

S Carter (Mountrath) bt S Heavey (Castlerea) 3/1

J Hutchinson (Royal Dublin) bt I Hall (Shandon Park) 4/3

G Murphy (Monkstown) bt T Forde (Co Sligo) 3/2

P Murray (Tipperary) bt E Browne (Kilkenny) at 20th

M O'Kelly (Limerick) bt M Horan (Birr) 2/1

D Conway (Portmarnock) bt B Smyth (Mourne) 2/1

D Finn (Mallow) bt B Reid (Forrest Hills) 5/4

K Kearney (Co Sligo) bt P Slattery (Portmarnock) 6/4

Second Quarter

J Hoey (Ennis) bt N McGrane (Royal Dublin) 1 hole

T Corridan (Castletroy) bt J Langan (Castlebar) 1 hole

J Twohig (Cork) bt A McMahon (Co Sligo) 2/1

P Harrington (Stackstown) bt G Young (Kilrush) 3/2

T Nolan (Galway) bt E Doohan (Dundalk) 2/1

C McElderry (Royal Portrush) bt B Frost (Castlebar) 2/1

D Maguire (Douglas) bt D Alwright (Laytown & Bettystown) 1 hole

G Spring (Tralee) bt K Maher (Limerick) 4/3

J Curran (Mount Juliet) bt T Bailey (Aldenham) 2/1

K Bornemann (Douglas) w/o A Dalton (Waterford) scr

R Hennessy (Ennis) bt D Snow (Portmarnock) 3/2

J Grant (The Island) bt G Murphy (Kilkenny) 2/1

G O'Sullivan (Tralee) bt P Turner (Mallow) 6/4

G Cullen (Beaverstown) w/o M Sinclair (Knock) scr

P Byrne (Nenagh) bt G Sproule (UCD) 2/1

J Morris (Douglas) bt J Brankin (Royal Portrush) 6/5

Third Quarter

D Coughlan (Douglas) bl PJ O'Looney (Tralee) 2/1

P Lawrie (Newlands) bt N Kelly (Athlone) 1 hole

P Murphy (Killarney) bt M Pierse (Wellington, NZ) 3/2

E Power (Tramore) bt D Connelly (Douglas) 7/5

A Meskell (Tipperary) bt D Mclnerney (Lahinch) at 20th

A Crawford (Hallamshire) bt T Shelton (Pebble Beach) at 19th

M Power (Moate) bt G Vaughan (Limerick) 4/2

D Baker (Downpatrick) bt J Joyce (Borris) 1 hole

M Riseley (UCD) bt M McGinley Jnr (Grange) 4/2

E McMenamin (Ballybofey) bt M Galvin (Limerick) 2 holes

R Daniels (Romley) bt R Fitzgerald (Adare Manor) 6/4

E Brady (Royal Dublin) bt P Mclnerney (Milltown) 3/1

D Coyle (Dundalk) bt V Smyth (Co Louth) 1 hole

J Kavanagh (Castletroy) bt D McSweeney (Charleville) 3/2

F O'Mahoney (Limerick) bt J Dickson (Holywood) 2/1

D Higgins (Waterville) bt P Power (Tramore) 2 and 1

Fourth Quarter

B Healy (Ardee) bt A Thomas (Tramore) 2 holes

S Quinlivan (Ballybunion) bt N Ruane (Old Conna) 1 hole

B Martin (Ardglass) bt J Moran (Greystones) 7/6

G McGimpsey (Bangor) bt S Horgan (Monkstown) 3/2

D McDonald (Kilkenny) bt T Rice (Limerick) 3/2

A Pierse (Tipperary) bt P Magee (Lurgan) 1 hole

G O'Donovan (Royal Dublin) bt M Kemmy (Limerick) 4/3

B Omelia (Newlands) bt P Cowley (Cork) 1 hole

J Brady (Edenderry) bt I Smith (North Berwick) 6/4

N O'Carroll (Athlone) bt G O'Flaherty (Cork) at 21st

P O'Rourke (Kilkenny) bt L Brady (Royal Dublin) 2/1

P Sheehan (Castletroy) bt A Considine (Ennis) 4/3

E O'Sullivan (The Island) bt P McGilloway (Hermitage) 1 hole

S Moloney (Castletroy) bt B Ronan (Co Louth) 3/1

B Reddan (Co Louth) bt F Flynn (Laytown & Bettystown) 1 hole

K Nolan (Bray) bt D White (Moate) 3/2

First round

First quarter

C Gallagher (Limerick) bt R Wiggins (Ponteland, Wales) 5/4

B O'Brien (Moale) bt D Crowley (Thurles) 1 hole

D McSweeney (Galway) bt J Sugrue (Killarney) 2/1

D Dunne (Co Sligo ) bt A O'Shea (Elm Park) 2/1

M Holohan (Waterford) bt M Walsh Sr (Lahinch) 2/1

J Murphy (Mallow) bt D Kelly (Castlebar) 3/2 v A Morrow (Portmarnock) scr walk over

N Fox (Portmarnock) bt J Rice (Athlone) 1 hole

A Moran (Claremorris) bt P Benson (Castlebar) 1 hole

S Carter (Mountrath) bt J Gray (Bodenstown) 2/1

S Hall (Shandon Park) bt K O'Keeffe (Mallow) 2/1

T Forde (Co Sligo) bt I Morris (Limerick) 3/2

E Browne (Kilkenny) bt C Cunningham (Mullingar) 2/1

M O'Kelly (Limerick) bt G O'Mahony (Castletroy) 1 hole

B Smyth (Mourne) bt T Hickey (Charleville) 6/5

D Finn (Mallow) bt PT King (Kilrush) 4/3

P Slattery (Portmarnock) bt W Rice (Limerick) 4/3

Second quarter

J Hoey (Ennis) bt D Kelleher (Portmarnock) 2/1

J Langan (Castlebar) bt D O'Shaughnessy (Adare Manor) 2/1

J Twohig (Cork) bt K McGrath (Portmarnock) 6/5

G Young (Kilrush) bt F Reynolds (Tramore) 1 hole

E Doohan (Dundalk) bt JJ Doyle (Lahinch) at 19th

B Frost (Castlebar) bt P Collier (Limerick) 2/1

D Alwright (Laytown & Bettystown) bt D Basquill (Enniscrone) 4/3

K Maher (Limerick) bt D Nagle (Kilrush) 2/1

J Curran (Mount Juliet) bt SJ Banks (Bury) 6/5

K Bornemann (Douglas) bt D Clancy (Limerick) 4/3 w/o A Dalton (Waterford) scr

R Hennessy (Ennis) bt T Brannock (Newlands)

J Grant (Island) bt S McEnery (Ennis) 1 hole

G O'Sullivan (Tralee) bt F Maher (Nenagh) 1 hole

G Cullen (Beaverstown) bt F Deasy (Killarney) 6/5 w/o M Sinclair (Knock)

P Byrne (Nenagh) bt A Gallagher (Nenagh) 5/4

JA Brankin (Royal Portrush) bt R Kelly (Athy) 2/1

Third quarter

D Coughlan (Douglas) bt J Harnett (Portmarnock) 4/3

N Kelly (Athlone) bt D Heather (Sutton) 4/3

M Pierse (Wellington NZ) bt P Ruane (Rathdowney) 4/3

D Connolly (Douglas) bt T Ledwidge (Heath) 2/1

D McInerney (Lahinch) bt J Keown (Greystones) 8/7

A Crawford (Hallamshire) bt P Wallace (Mullingar) 2/1

G Vaughan (Limerick) bt P McCormack (Royal Dublin) 5/4

J Joyce (Borris) bt W Leggett (The Island) 3/2

M McGinley (Grange) bt S Coyne (Killarney) 1 hole

M Galvin (Limerick) bt EJ Connolly (Portmarnock) 2/1

R Fitzgerald (Adare Manor) bt J McVeigh (Carlow) 5/4

P Mclnerney bt D Conway (Mallow) 6/5

D Coyle (Dundalk) bt G Bray (Co Louth) 2/1

D McSweeney (Charleville) bt P Coyne (The European Club) 4/3

F O'Mahony (Limerick) bt J Carroll (Bandon) at 19th

P Power (Tramore) bt V Buggy (Newlands) 1 hole

Fourth quarter

A Thomas (Tramore) bt F Holland (Galway) 3/1

N Ruane (Old Conna) bt B O'Malley (Royal Dublin) 2/1

B Martin (Ardglass) bt M Harney (Portumna) 3/2

S Horgan (Monkstown) bt K O'Brien (Edenderry) 4/3

T Rice (Limerick) bt B Hurley (East Clare) 6/5

P Magee (Lurgan) bt JP Hughes (Douglas) 4/3

M Kemmy (Limerick) bt M Barrett (Lahinch) 2/1

P Cowley (Cork) bt IB Wallace (Crow Wood) 6/4

I Smith (North Berwick) bt J Carew (Limerick) 1 hole

N O'Carroll (Athlone) w/o R Donald (Portmarnock) scr

L Brady (Royal Dublin) bt J Cuffe (Monkstown) 1 hole

A Considine (Ennis) bt D Dudley (Douglas) 1 hole

B Ronan (Co Louth) bt V Nevin (Limerick) 3/2

F Flynn (Laytown and Bettystown) bt K O'Flaherty (Cork) 2/1

D White (Moate) bt W O'Brien (Charleville) 4/3