ILGU gets €131,000 in grants

The Irish Ladies Golf Union (ILGU) has received €131,000 as part of the Irish Sports Council’s (ISC) National Governing Body Grants, announced by Minister Seamus Brennan on Thursday 25th January 2008.
An Administration Grant of €51,000, up 8%, will help the transition of the Union’s office from Clonskeagh to Sandyford. The Women in Sport Grant of €80,000, up 6%, will continue to support the very successful ISC programme, which encourages women of all ages to take up the game. The ISC High Performance Grants will be announced next month.
While the grants will help with the internal restructuring of the Union and Ireland’s elite golfers, they will also help out at grassroots level. The ILGU continue to develop the country’s underage players, a programme that sees 180 promising juniors receive elite coaching. The successful Women in Golf initiative, that has already enrolled over a thousand beginners, is also set to go from strength to strength as a result of the grant.
Speaking at the announcement, Irish Ladies Golf Union Chief Executive Sinead Heraty said “We are delighted by the increase in this year’s funding allocation which, will not only help support our World Cup participation and headquarters move to new premises, but also help mould the successful youth system we have in place. The ILGU is entering into a very bright and exciting period and this would not be possible without the funding we are receiving.”