Ireland wins Under 16 Four Nations Development Matches

Ireland beat Scotland 7-5 to capture the Under 16 Four Nations Development Matches title at Royal Dublin.

Ireland needed a win to secure the title after a victory over the Netherlands on the opening day and a halved match with Wales on day two.

The morning foursomes matches were shared - two apiece - and early singles wins for Moyola Park's Chris Selfridge and Paul Dunne for Greystones shifted the tie firmly in the host nation's favour.

Dermot McElroy and Daniel Murphy followed up with singles wins before Matthew McKnight clinched the all important point with a 2 holes win over Scott Gibson.

Wales defeated The Netherlands in the day's second match to finish runners-up with Scotland and The Netherlands filling third and fourth places, respectively.

Ireland 7 Scotland 5
(Ireland names first):

Chris Selfridge & Paul Dunne bt Paul McPhee & Ian Redford 3/2; Graham Donohue & Matthew McKnight bt Andrew McLachlan & Shaun Connor 3/2; Stephen Barry & Gary Collins lost to Jack Scott & Scott Gibson 3/2; Daniel Murphy & Dermot McElroy lost to Jordyn Rhind & Callum Stewart 2 holes.

Chris Selfridge bt Andrew McLachlan 7/6; Paul Dunne bt Ian Redford 3/2; Dermot McElroy bt Paul McPhee 6/5; Daniel Murphy bt Shaun Connor 3/1; Matthew McKnight bt Scott Gibson 2 holes; Graham Donohue lost to Jordyn Rhind 3/1; Gary Collins lost to Jack Scott 2/1; Stephen Barry lost to Callum Stewart 1 hole.

Wales 8 1/2 Netherlands 3 1/2
(Wales names first):

Callum Roberts & Mark Parry bt Robbie van West & Rowin Caron 1 hole; Sam Dix & Oliver Baker lost to Michael Kraaij & Miech Hoogendijk 2/1; Luke Jackson & Patrick Mullins bt Jeroen Krietemeijer & Walt v/d Kolk 4/3; Rhys Pugh & Oliver Lewis bt Robert Frijling & Max Albertus 3/2.

Sam Dix bt Robbie van West 2/1; Mark Parry bt Rowin Caron 1 hole; Callum Roberts lost to Jeroen Krietemeijer 3/2; Oliver Baker lost to Michael Kraaij 5/3; Oliver Lewis bt Robert Frijling 3/2; Luke Jackson halved with Miech Hoogendijk; Patrick Mullins bt Max Albertus 2/1; Rhys Pugh bt Walt v/d Kolk 3/1.

Results for Thursday 27th March 2008:

Ireland 6 Wales 6
(Ireland names first)

Chris Selfridge & Paul Dunne bt Luke Jackson & Callum Roberts 4/3; Graham Donohue & Matthew McKnight halved with Sam Dix & Rhys Pugh; Stephen Barry & Gary Collins lost to Oliver Lewis & Mark Parry 3/2; Daniel Murphy & Dermot McElroy bt Oliver Baker & Patrick Mullins 3/2.

Graham Donohue halved with Sam Dix; Matthew McKnight lost to Oliver Lewis 3/2; Chris Selfridge lost to Callum Roberts 1 hole; Paul Dunne bt Rhys Pugh 5/4; Daniel Murphy bt Luke Jackson 5/3; Dermot McElroy bt Patrick Mullins 4/3; Gary Collins lost to Oliver Baker 2 holes; Stephen Barry lost to Mark Parry 2 holes.

Netherlands 6 1/2 Scotland 5 1/2
(Netherlands names first):

Walt v/d Kolk & Jeroen Krietemeijer bt Andrew McLachlan & Shaun Connor 4/3; Miech Hoogendijk & Michael Kraaij lost to Paul McPhee & Ian Redford 3/2; Max Albertus & Robert Frijling bt Callum Stewart & Jordyn Rhind 2/1; Robbie van West & Rowin Caron bt Jack Scott & Scott Gibson 2/1.

Walt v/d Kolk lost to Andrew McLachlan 1 hole; Miech Hoogendijk lost to Paul McPhee 4/3; Max Albertus bt Ian Redford 3/2; Robert Frijling bt Shaun Connor 3/2; Jeroen Krietemeijer bt Jordyn Rhind 1 hole; Rowin Caron halved with Scott Gibson; Robbie van West lost to Callum Stewart 2/1; Michael Kraaij lost to Jack Scott 3/2.

Results for Wednesday 26th March 2008:

Ireland 7 Netherlands 5
(Ireland names first):

Chris Selfridge & Dermot McElroy lost to Walt v/d Kolk & Robert Frijling 2 holes; Paul Dunne & Gary Collins lost to Miech Hoogendijk & Michael Kraaij 3/1; Graham Donohue & Matthew McKnight bt Max Albertus & Jeroen Krietemeijer 4/3; Stephen Barry & Daniel Murphy lost to Robbie van West & Rowin Caron 5/4.

Chris Selfridge bt Max Albertus 3/2; Paul Dunne bt Robert Frijling 4/3; Graham Donohue bt Miech Hoogendijk 6/4; Stephen Barry bt Walt v/d Kolk 5/4; Dermot McElroy lost to Jeroen Krietemeijer 1 hole; Matthew McKnight lost to Rowin Caron 5/4; Daniel Murphy bt Robbie van West 1 hole; Gary Collins bt Michael Kraaij 1 hole.

Scotland 7 1/2 Wales 4 1/2
(Scotland names first):

Andrew McLachlan & Shaun Connor bt Luke Jackson & Callum Roberts 1 hole; Paul McPhee & Ian Redford lost to Sam Dix & Rhys Pugh 4/2; Callum Stewart & Jordyn Rhind bt Oliver Lewis & Mark Parry 4/3; Scott Gibson & Jack Scott bt Oliver Baker & Patrick Mullins 1 hole.