It all comes down to one round for the 12 Irishmen in action at the second stage of the European Tour Qualifying School and with just three of them in position to make this week's finals, it represents the last throw of the dice.

Simon Thornton and Colm Moriarty are inside the top 18 who will progress at Sherry Golf near Cadiz. They have little room for manoeuvre but should progress by shooting level par. Michael McGeady, David Higgins and Eddie Barr need to shoot 65 at worst to progress and that looks too much to ask.

Sherry Golf (Par 72) Leading 18 qualify (mark -3)

T8 Simon Thornton (-4) 68 73 71; T12 Colm Moriarty (-3) 69 70 74; T35 Michael McGeady (+3) 71 76 72; T50 David Higgins (+5) 72 76 73; T53 Eddie Barr (+6) 74 73 75.

At Arcos Gardens, not far from Jerez de la Frontera, Michael Collins hauled himself to within striking distance of earning his place in the finals with a third round 68 but is still two strokes outside the qualifying places and will need another 68 to be sure of making it. Lurgan's Gareth Shaw now needs the round of his season to progress after a damaging 75 left him seven stokes outside the top 19 who will go through with Limerick's Cian McNamara a further two shots away from the magic number.  

Arcos Gardens (Par 72) Leading 19 qualify (mark -2)

T26 Michael Collins (E) 75 73 68; T51 Gareth Shaw (+5) 70 76 75; T56 Cian McNamara (+7) 74 74 75

Things look better for amateur Niall Kearney and St Margaret's John Kelly at Costa Ballena, just a few miles north of the port of Cadiz. Scoring has been red hot with 53 players in red figures after three rounds. As a result, the qualifying mark is the lowest of the four stage two venues and Kearney had to shoot a 67 and Kelly a 68 in round three to keep their hopes alive.  Both players will need to break 70 again to qualify.

Costa Ballena (Par 72) Leading 18 to qualify (mark -7)

T21 Niall Kearney (Am) (-6) 70 73 67; T27 John Kelly (-5) 72 71 68

Nearly 400 miles east of Cadiz, Jonny Caldwell and Mervyn Owen will go in to the final round at Hacienda del Alamo in deepest Murcia with very different agendas.

Caldwell's third round 71 left him just inside the mark on four under par and he can't afford to shoot over par. Owens also shot 71 in round three but his Saturday 75 has proved very costly and he will need something in the mid 60s to keep his hopes alive for another year.

Hacienda del Alamo (Par 72) Leading 19 qualify (mark -4)

T15 Jonathan Caldwell (-4) 69 72 71; T45 Mervyn Owens (+2) 71 75 71