Harrington ready to talk to Tiger

It will never happen but Padraig Harrington says he'd be willing to pick up the phone and reach out to the under fire Tiger Woods in his hour of need.

The triple major winning Dubliner believes the troubled world No 1’s troubles are “his own business.” But he insisted that he would lend Woods his support and talk to him if asked despite describing the fallen idol's behaviour as “a disappointment to a lot of people.”

Speaking to Fox Sports Radio in California, Harrington was asked if he'd talk to Tiger if he got the chance.

Harrington said: “I think we would all be happy to talk with him and lend support whatever way it goes because it is a very difficult time.  I am sure everybody in that situation feels very alone and there is a lot of support for him amongst the players and them both. It is not like you are supporting one side.

“This is obviously a difficult time for any family and nobody wants to see anybody go through that. It is tougher for Tiger and Elin because it is in the spotlight. These are things that you have to take as the fact of life.

“He is the number one sports star in the world. I mean anything he does is going to be in the public spotlight. It does make it a little bit tougher and you have to accept that fact. As players, we are not supportive of Tiger because he is a golfer.  We are supportive of anybody who is going through difficulties in a marriage. 

“It is not a nice thing to have happen and I am sure they will come through it strongly.”

Woods has been labelled a love cheat after being linked to more than a dozen women over the past two weeks.

The golfer has not been seen in public since he was taken to hospital following a car crash outside his exclusive Florida home on November 27.

The winner of 14 major titles used his website to apologise to his fans for “transgressions”, adding that he had not "been true to my values and the behaviour my family deserves."