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Lernihan inspired by Irish Open champion Lowry

Shock Irish Open winner Shane Lowry has given his one of his amateur pals the secret to his amazing success - his Baltray strokesaver.

Dara Lernihan is targeting the EastBest buddy Dara Lernihan - one of five Irishmen in the GB&I Walker Cup squad - feels inspired by Lowry's incredible win and plans a repeat performance when he tees it up at the Irish Open venue for next week's East of Ireland Amateur Open.

Dubliner, Lernihan said: "I'm back at Baltray for the East next week and I'll have Shane's strokesaver in my back pocket. Hopefully it will bring me a little luck.

"I was just so nervous for him on Sunday. I was more nervous than I would be playing. It was unbelievable."

Castle player Lernihan, 22, led the "East" going into the final 36 holes last year but fell away to finish tied for second.

And he was frustrated to miss his best friend's moment of triumph as he was playing in the Brabazon Trophy at Moortown in Leeds at the time.

Tied 25th there, he said: "I couldn't concentrate at all on my own game at all. I was just thinking about Shane so much.

"I was getting texts on my phone all the time, telling me what was going on. It's just unbelievable what he has achieved."

Lernihan flew back into Dublin late on Sunday night and immediately headed to Clara in Co Offaly for the celebrations.

He said: "We had a great night in Baggot's pub and another great night at Shane's club Esker Hills last night.

"It just shows you. The difference between me and Shane is so small and for him to go and win on the European Tour shows that the difference in standard between the top amateurs and the pros isn't as big as people think.

"Hopefully what Shane has done will inspire me and a few of the other lads to go on and do what he has done sometime in the future."

National hero Lowry - up 10 spots to sixth in the latest' World Amateur Ranking - said on Monday that he is almost certainly go to turn pro but did not enter this week's BMW Championship at Wentworth.

But a spot has been left open for him on the entry list for next week's European Open at the London Club in Kent as well as the following week's Celtic Manor Wales Open.