Relax folks. It’s just a fun photograph of Tegwen Matthews, the Great Britain and Ireland Curtis Cup team manager, snapped by the LGU’s Head of Golf Operations Susan Simpson as they arrived at Essex County Club for a reconnaisance mission with skipper Mary McKenna.

We’ve cheekily lifted the photo from the excellent Kirkwood Golf News site run by  Gillian Kirkwood and Colin Farquharson. They call it “the site for news you can’t find anywhere else” and they certainly got the scoop this time.

According to Kirkwood Golf News:

“Susan took the picture and sent it to …. “just a little bit of fun with the local constabulary,” she says. Bet you Tegwen has never had police handcuffs on before!

The serious business will happen from June 10-13 when skipper McKenna and her eight strong team featuring Ireland’s Denielle McVeigh and the talented Cavan twins, Lisa and Leona Maguire, bid to win the Curtis Cup for Great Britain and Ireland for the first time since 1996.