Going the extra mile

Totally Money's Airmiles Value Tracker is a tool compares how far your Avios points can get you based on the best value destination.
Top tour players such as Rory McIlroy travels thousands of miles every year as the criss-cross the globe from Europe and the US to Asia and Australia, racking up countless hours in planes.
Many have the benefit of private jet services for trips in the US but still travel commercially, especially transatlantic. Most have accrued a huge number of air miles and what the plan to do with them is anyone’s guess. But what can you do wit the unused Avios points you accrue with British Airways, Iberia or Meridiana Club?
Totally Money's Airmiles Value Tracker is a tool compares how far your Avios points can get you based on the best value destination, with the option to filter your search so that it pulls out destinations according to your interest.
Skiing fans will see an array of destination across France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy, Scandinavia, Finland and even Bulgaria, to name just a few. But there’s an even great array of choices for golfers who want to cash in on those airmiles and get in a game in some sunny clime.
Users can simply enter the amount of airmiles they have, choose the golf list, and be given the top destinations on a map with average flight cost and how many airmiles they'd need to get there.
Dublin popped up as the 36th best value destination with flights costing an average of £46 or 9,000 air miles with Palma de Mallorca the top value destination with average flights costing £340 or 15,000 airmiles.
Gibraltar, Alicante, Faro, Tenerife, Lisbon, Cape Town, Marrakech, Malaga and Hong Kong completed the list of the Top-10 best value destinations, which should give Irish tour operators some food for thought.
The ranking produced by Totally Money's Airmiles Value Tracker is calculated choosing the cheapest possible ticket for each flight segment and does not include taxes.
The departure dates were chosen 16 weeks from the date of the analysis and included a Saturday stay.