Lawrie and McGrane in Prague prang

Peter Lawrie closed with a 72 to finish on one-over in the D+D Real Czech Masters. He was a shot behind Damien McGrane, who finished with a 71. But they had a more eventful time on Saturday when their Mercedes-Benz courtesy car was involved in a fender bender with another courtesy car as they left Albatross Golf Resort.

Lawrie later confirmed that it was "a bit of a shock to the system" but everyone walked away "in one piece" with no bones broken.

Lawrie and McGrane will be at Luttrellstown Castle Golf Club on Monday for the Peter Lawrie Charity Day in aid of RESPECT IRELAND, an esteemed Registered Charity, responsible for fundraising projects for people with intellectual disabilities of all ages within the Daughters of Charity Service and well supported in the business and sports/entertainment sectors in Ireland.