Round-up: Arklow Winter Alliance next week; Irish Open Matchplay impresses Murphy

The 7th at Arklow Golf Links
Winter golf is upon us and if you fancy testing yourself against PGA professional, sign up for the Wednesday Winter Alliance at Arklow Golf Club.
The action begins next Wednesday, 18 November and continues every following Wednesday throughout the winter with prized for the three best nett scores and the best gross.
The cost is €25 for visitors with breakfast or €30 with lunch while professional and members pay €20 for the breakfast option or €25 for golf and lunch.
The handicap limit is 12 and all queries should be address to Richard Creamer in the professional's shop at Arklow on 0402 32492 extension 1.
Irish Open Matchplay impresses Gary Murphy
Andrew Cooke and Vernon Devane of Kerry with their 2015 Irish Open Matchplay Fourball champions trophies at Carton House
Golf’s answer to the All-Ireland, the Irish Open Matchplay 2015, came to an exciting climax at Carton House recently with highlights due to be broadcast on Setanta on Tuesday next at 7.45pm.
Competitors in this 32 county competition started the arduous journey to October’s finale at Carton House earlier in the summer and Setanta will screen the showpiece singles and fourball events for the first time next week.
Tipperary’s Pat Ryan reigned supreme in the singles while Andrew Cooke and Vernon Devane of Kerry captured the fourball.
Former European Tour Gary Murphy was impressed by the standard, remarking: “The battle throughout the summer up and down the country between competition entrants, and also the calibre on show at Carton House was exceptional.
Tipperary’s Pat Ryan, 2015 Irish Open Matchplay singles champion
“To think that players can set off early in the summer with the hope of perhaps capturing their county prize, and then in time feature in a really tense, exciting televised final is class.
“When I started out as a young golfer in the Amateur ranks back in the 1980’s, there was nothing comparable to this in terms of glitz, glamour and a televised final at Carton.”
Tuesday’s broadcast will feature interviews and action with grassroot golfers from across the country.
Entries are already coming in for the 2016 event, which begins in April.
- Broadcast: Tuesday, November 17 on Setanta at 19.45.
- Registration: Enter for the 2016 Irish Open Matchplay at