No GUI statement on possible ILGU merger until April

Former amateur international and tour player Stephen Browne has been appointed to the GUI's High Performance Committee. Picture Pat Cashman
The Golfing Union of Ireland's stance on a possible merger with the Irish Ladies Golf Union - part of a wide ranging strategy - will not be known until mid-April as internal and external fact-gathering missions continue and alll affiliated clubs have been consulted.
The Union's Annual General Meeting went ahead on Friday and passed a number of motions, including the establishment of a new All-Ireland inter-club four-ball handicap championship. Connacht's Michael Connaughton (Roscommon GC) is the incoming President while Lucan's Tony Goode has been appointed captain of the Irish men's team.
New Irish team captain, Tony Goode (Lucan) Picture Pat Cashman
He will, no doubt, be targeting victory in the European Amateur Team Championship at Halmstad Golf Club in Sweden from July 7-11 and a successful defence of the Home Internationals at Royal Portrush from August 12-14.
In a positive move, former European Tour player Stephen Browne, the 2001 European Amateur champion, has been appointed to the High Performance Committee. Browne is also a Leinster selector.
Golfing Union of Ireland AGM 2015 - Motions and officers
The following Motions were passed:
1. That Clauses 10.2 and 10.3 be amended as follows:
10.2 To be eligible for membership of the GUI, prospective Member Clubs must have and comply with a Constitution and Rules appropriate to a golf club.
Such clubs shall:-
10.2.1 Own, have a lease of, a tenancy agreement for or a legal licence to use land, situate in Ireland, which is laid out as a course or links on which the game of golf may be played. All legal licences must be in favour of the club. A copy of the lease, tenancy agreement or legal licence must be submitted to the Union with the application for affiliation and re-submitted at all renewal dates. Where the applicant club has permission in writing to use the course or links of another affiliated Club or public or private golf facility the provisions of this clause shall be deemed to have been satisfied.
10.2.2 Have the use of a course or links that is fit to be allocated an official Standard Scratch Rating and be approved as such by the Provincial Council concerned and in accordance with the CONGU Unified Handicapping System.
10.2.3 Have the use of a clubhouse as approved by the Provincial Council concerned and which will be the official address of the club.
10.2.4 Hold an annual general meeting before a specified date each year at which only members entitled to vote and non-voting observers, if permitted, are in attendance and at which all the Officers and members of the General Committee in whole or in specified proportion are elected annually from amongst the voting members of the club to administer the affairs of the Club for the ensuing year. (Vide: Sub Clause 3.1.16).
10.3 The club shall:-
10.3.1 Have a minimum of 50 amateur voting male members, provided however a club may elect to its membership a person who is a professional golfer who shall be allowed to compete only in his club’s domestic competitions and whose scores cannot be used in assessing the Competition Scratch Score in Qualifying Competitions under the CONGU Unified Handicapping System.
10.3.2 Comprise of at least the following officers: Captain, Hon. Secretary and or Hon. Treasurer.
10.3.3. Appoint a Handicapping Committee of at least three persons, all of whom shall be male members of the club, which shall have specific responsibility for the allotment and maintenance of handicaps as delegated to Affiliated Clubs, subject to the overall jurisdiction of the Union.
10.3.4 Accept and comply with the Rules of Golf as approved by The R&A.
10.3.5 Accept and comply with the Rules of Amateur Status as approved by The R&A.
10.3.6 Accept and comply with the UHS prescribed by CONGU and such rules thereunder as may require to be implemented from time to time by the GUI.
2. That Clause 10.10 be amended as follows:
The courtesy of the course and the facilities of the clubhouse shall be provided to the GUI and Provincial Branches at reasonable intervals as may be agreed between the parties.
Where a Club does not control its own course, this provision shall be agreed in writing with the owners.
3. That Rule 12 be amended as follows:
12.1 An Affiliated Club shall be held to be in serious breach of the provisions of this Constitution in the case of the following:
a) a breach of the Rules of Amateur Status, as approved by the R&A, taking place on its Course or Links or in the Clubhouse and whether in a competition organised by the Club or otherwise; or
b) a prize being offered in a competition run on its Course or Links, whether organised by the Club or otherwise, which is not allowed by or valued in excess of the amount allowed by the said Rules of Amateur Status is offered, whether it is won or not; or
c) a failure by the Club to comply with CONGU’s UHS.
12.1.2 Every allegation of such infringement in a Club which shall have been reported to the General Secretary of the GUI shall be referred by him to the Provincial Council having control of the Club against which such allegation shall have been made. If such direction is given, the Provincial Council to which the matter has been referred shall, as soon as practicable, hold an enquiry into the allegation made having given reasonable notice to the Club concerned of the allegation and of the time and place at which such enquiry shall be held, and shall give such Club every facility to appear and to be represented by not more than three representatives at such enquiry and shall afford every reasonable facility to such Club to respond to the allegation made.
12.1.3 If, after holding such enquiry as aforesaid, the Provincial Council considers that the allegation is well founded it shall notify its finding in writing as soon as practicable to the Club concerned and shall submit its report to the Executive Committee and the Club concerned shall as from the date of such notification, be suspended. The report of the Provincial Council on such enquiry shall be placed on the Agenda of a meeting of the Executive Committee which shall take place no sooner than 10 days after the date of receipt of the report of the Provincial Council for consideration by the Executive Committee and the Club shall be notified in writing of the time and place at which such meeting is to be held and shall be invited to send not more than three representatives to such meeting.
12.1.4 Having considered the report of the Provincial Council and such representations as shall have been made orally or in writing on behalf of the Club, the Executive Committee shall either confirm or set aside the finding of the Provincial Council. If such finding is confirmed the Executive Committee may impose an additional period of suspension on the offending Club or permanently terminate such Club’s membership or terminate the suspension and/or admonish the Club as it shall consider appropriate in the circumstances.
12.2 An Affiliated Club shall be held to have infringed the provisions of this Constitution and shall be required to rectify such an infringement by the date of said Club’s next Annual General Meeting in the case of infringement of any of the provisions of this Constitution, with the exception of those specified in Clause 12.1 above, or breach of any of the Rules or any of the Bye-Laws (including non-compliance with any of the provisions of Clause 10.2, Sub-Clauses 10.2.1 to 10.2.3 hereof).
12.2.1 Every such infringement shall be a matter for review by the Constitution Review Committee.
12.2.2 Every allegation of such infringement which shall have been received by the General Secretary shall be referred to the Constitution Review Committee for review.
12.2.3 Where the Constitution Review Committee determine that the infringement persists subsequent to the Club’s Annual General Meeting at which the infringement must be dealt with, the Constitution Review Committee shall notify its finding in writing as soon as practicable to the Club concerned and shall submit its report to the General Secretary and the Club concerned shall as from the date of such notification, be suspended. The report of the Constitution Review Committee shall be placed on the Agenda of a meeting of the Executive Committee which shall take place no sooner than 10 days after the date of receipt of the report by the General Secretary and the Club shall be notified in writing of the time and place at which such meeting is to be held and shall be invited to send not more than three representatives to such meeting.
[All Subsequent Clauses renumbered]
4. That Clauses 16.5 and 19.5 be amended to read:
The Golfing Union of Ireland’s Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Handbook shall apply to all officers of the Branch, all members of the Provincial Council and all members of its Sub-Committees. It shall also apply to any individual engaged to act on behalf of the Provincial Branch.
The Golfing Union of Ireland’s Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Handbook shall apply to all officers and delegates to the Council, all representatives appointed or elected by the Council and all members of Committees and Sub-Committees appointed by the Council. It shall also apply to any individual engaged to act on behalf of the Union.
5. That Clause 19.4 be amended to read:
The Union shall employ a General Secretary or Chief Executive Officer, and such additional staff as it may deem necessary, for the achievement of the objects and implementation of the Strategy of the GUI.
And that all other references in the Constitution to the term “General Secretary” be replaced by “General Secretary or Chief Executive Officer” (vide Sub-Clause 12.1.3, Sub-Clause 12.2.3, Sub Sub-Clause, Sub-Clause 27.2.1, Sub Sub-Clause, Sub-Clause 30.1.7, Clause 31.1, Clause 31.2, Clause 34.1, Clause 35.1, Clause 35.2 and in the form of application for membership of the GUI).
6. That Sub-Clause 22.1.1 be amended to read:
CONGU – two representatives from amongst those entitled to attend meetings of the Council. Maximum service in this capacity is four years.
7. That Sub-Clause 23.2.2 be amended to read:
The Boys’ Under 18 Captain shall be elected annually by the Council at the Annual General Meeting and shall not serve in that capacity for more than three years.
8. That a new Sub-Clause 23.2.3 be added:
The Boys’ Under 16 Captain shall be appointed annually, from amongst the Provincial nominees to the Junior Selection Committee, by the Junior Golf Committee and shall not serve in that capacity for more than three years.
9. That Clauses 34.4-34.6 be inserted as follows:
34.4 Amendments to a Motion, proposed and seconded by two persons entitled to be present and vote at a Branch Meeting, shall be considered and voted upon prior to the original motion being voted upon.
34.5 Motions carried at a Branch Meeting shall be proposed by the relevant Provincial Council to the next Council Meeting in accordance with Clause 34.1.
34.6 Motions carried at a Branch Meeting shall be considered for inclusion on the Agenda of the next Council Meeting by the Executive Committee prior to the closing date for notion of motions for said Council Meeting.
10. That Bye Law 2.1.2 be amended to read:
“A per capita subscription to the Provincial Council of the Province in which the Club is situate of a sum decided by its Provincial Council at its Annual Branch Meeting, and payable on the following 1st January.”
11. That Bye Law 3 be amended to read:
Any Affiliated Club or Associate Member which shall have failed to pay, in whole or in part, the appropriate GUI Subscription and Levy and/or Loan Repayment and Provincial Levy by the last day of March in any year shall be automatically suspended and shall stand suspended until the last day of June following, unless the Subscription and Levy and/or Loan Repayment and Provincial Levy is paid before this date, in which case the suspension shall be lifted.
If, however, the appropriate GUI Subscription and Levy and/or Loan Repayment and Provincial Levy is not paid in full on that date, such Affiliated Club or Associate Member shall cease to be a Member or Associate Member of the GUI, but may be re-admitted to Membership or Associate Membership on payment of arrears.
Any Affiliated Club or Associate Member that has part paid the appropriate GUI Subscription and/or Levy and/or Loan Repayment and Provincial Levy by the last day in March in any year must pay the appropriate GUI Subscription and Levy and/or Loan Repayment and Provincial Levy in full by the last day in June following and if the appropriate GUI Subscription and Levy and/or Loan Repayment and Provincial Levy is not paid in full on that date, such Affiliated Club or Associate Member shall cease to be a Member or Associate Member of the GUI, but may be re-admitted to Membership or Associate Membership on payment of arrears.
The minimum part payment acceptable to the Union by the last day of March in the applicable year shall be 50% of the total of the appropriate GUI Subscription and Levy and/or Loan Repayment and Provincial Levy.
12. That the Golfing Union of Ireland introduces an All-Ireland inter-club four-ball handicap championship.
13. That, with effect from 1st March 2015, in order to be eligible to compete in a Singles Qualifying Competition at an Away Club, with the exception of all events listed in No. 6 of the Union Bye Laws, a Member of a GUI Affiliated Golf Club must have returned at least three scores in Singles Qualifying Competitions at his Home Club, at any time on or after the corresponding date one year before the Singles Qualifying Competition at the Away Club.
The following motion was defeated:
14. That the following system is introduced to achieve a uniform means of dealing with players recording notable performances in golf classics or similar team events (ie teams of four, teams of three, rumbles, scrambles etc) :
Mandatory Adjustments, under Clause 23 (B), for each notable performance:
Winners Runners-up Third Place
Category 1 0.0 0.0 Noted as a score for consideration under Clause 23 (A)
Category 2 -0.4 -0.2
Category 3 -0.6 -0.3
Category 4 -0.8 -0.4
Golfing Union of Ireland
Union Officers, Committee & Representatives 2015
Union Officers:
- President: M Connaughton
- President-Elect: K McIntyre
- Hon. Secretary: A Lee
- Hon. Treasurer: R McClure
Executive Committee:
Michael Connaughton (President), Kevin McIntyre (President Elect), Albert Lee (Hon. Secretary), Rollo McClure (Hon Treasurer), J McGovern (Chairman, Connacht Branch), J Ferriter (Chairman, Leinster Branch), J Moloughney (Chairman, Munster Branch), P Sinclair (Chairman, Ulster Branch), M Heaney (Hon. Secretary, Connacht Branch), J McNamara (Hon. Secretary, Leinster Branch), J Long (Hon. Secretary, Munster Branch), E O’Connor (Hon. Secretary, Ulster Branch), L Martin (Immediate Past President).
F Perry (Connacht), W Skelton (Leinster), J V Lynch (Munster), W G Black (Ulster)
CONGU Representatives:
J Mooney, J Clancy
Irish Senior Team Captain:
T Goode
Irish Boys Team Captain:
C McConn
Irish Seniors Team Captain:
S O’Leary
Irish Senior Selection Committee:
T Goode (Convenor), N MacSweeney, J White, J Carroll, M Delany
Irish Junior Selection Committee:
C McConn (Convenor), J Duggan, A Marsden, P English, A Gibson
Irish Seniors Selection Committee:
S O’Leary (Convenor), T Basquille, B Doyle, M Coote, B Hutchinson
STRI Representative:
B Dunne
Finance Committee:
President, Union Officers, Trustees, M Evans (Connacht), D Murphy (Leinster), P English (Munster), J White (Ulster).
Junior Golf Committee:
J Long (Convenor), Union Officers, Junior Selection Committee, J McGrath, J Durcan, J McKinstry, J Rouine
Championship Committee:
General Secretary (Convenor), J Mooney, N McLoughlin, J Duggan, J Long, J McNamara, K Raftery, T Donnelly, L Harkin, B Lynch, J Boyd, B Hutchinson, D Heaney.
SSS & Handicapping Committee:
J Mooney (Convenor), Union Officers, CONGU Rep, C McConn, P Murphy, H Lee, W O’Brien, P Dunne, L Harkin, N Bennett, D McNeill.
Venues & Fixtures Committee:
J O’Donoghue (Convenor), Union Officers, N MacSweeney, J McGrath, L Harkin, D Montague, K Stevens, E Lonergan, K Walsh, T Thompson.
Rules of Golf & Amateur Status Committee:
T Donnelly (Convenor), Union Officers, M Evans, C Maguire, B Lynch, D Irwin.
Greenkeeper Training & Ecology:
B Dunne (Convenor), Union Officers, R Canavan, J Dempsey, MP Murphy, E O’Connor.
Constitution Review Committee:
I McCandless (Convenor), Union Officers, F Perry, D Murphy, E Brick, T Jones.
High Performance Committee:
J White (Convenor), Union Officers, Irish Team Captain, Irish Boys Captain, Convenor Junior Golf, S Fitzgerald, S Browne, P Cooney, B Edwards.
Honorary Delegates:
S Smith, F Kavanagh, C Madigan, M Burns, T Jones.
WJ Miscampbell