Play in Pink raises €217,000 despite coronavirus pandemic

Every year since 2014, Ireland’s lady golfers have proudly donned the pink jersey and played their favourite game to help raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Research Institute through Play in Pink days at golf clubs nationally.
In spite of all the challenges 2020 has presented Golf Clubs still managed to raise a staggering €217,000 for the charity, driving the overall contribution raised in the last seven years to over €1 million euro.
The annual fundraiser has received incredible support from the Irish Ladies Golf Union (ILGU) and the lady captains of golf clubs nationwide who, combined with the charity, have created a fabulous coming together of golfing enthusiasts from all over the country for a great cause.
"The National Breast Cancer Research Institute is both astounded and grateful for this remarkable achievement,” says Miriam Hand, Play in Pink National Coordinator. “The result is all the more noteworthy because this year, due to the pandemic, fewer clubs were able to take part in the event. Last year 165 clubs raised €208,000. This year 110 clubs raised €217,000 which was incredible.”
Speaking about the popularity Play in Pink days have generated, Miriam went on to say; “Our motto is Play for Good and Play for Fun. The support we have received from lady captains across Ireland is tremendous. It is also great to see more and more male golfers have taken to the fairways sporting the pink and joining in the fun. Our Ambassador Mary McKenna MBE is a constant champion and we have received great coverage from the Irish golfing media.”
Play in Pink days have become a much-anticipated event on the golfing calendar at many golf clubs as they bring a great sense of fun and colour, rain or shine. In a year when there were less opportunities than normal to take to the course, it’s a credit to Ireland’s golfing community that time was still made to support the important work of charities such as the National Breast Cancer Research Institute.
Prof Michael Kerin, Director of Research at the Institute commented: “The efforts of the Play in Pink team, the ILGU and lady captains all over Ireland in rising over €1 Million Euro for the charity in the last seven years is truly an incredible achievement. This ongoing funding has greatly helped us to finance our research efforts, especially in this very difficult year for fundraising. This support is allowing us to have a definite impact on this common disease. Congratulations and my deepest thanks to all who have taken part or supported Play in Pink days over the years in anyway.
To find out more or donate to Play in Pink and find how your club can take part in 2021in helping support breast cancer research, visit: