Golf betting

Golf bettors beware: bookies always one step ahead

“He’d find out the kind of inside stuff nobody else knew and that’s what he’d put his money on. Even back home, years ago when we were first hangin’ out he’d know if the quarterback was on coke, if his girlfriend was knocked up. He’d get the wind velocity so he could judge the field goals. He even figured out the different bounce you got off the different kinds of wood they used on college basketball courts, you know? He’d be workin’ on this shit day and night. There was nothing about a game he was gonna bet that he didn’t know. Season after season the prick was the only guaranteed winner I ever knew,” Nicky Santoro on his bookie pal, Ace Rothstein in Martin Scorcese’s “Casino”.Golf betting is nothing new but if you think you can get one over on the bookies, you’d better be prepared to go the extra mile.